Federal Tax Forms
IRS.gov is the official website of the IRS. You can find federal tax forms and other helpful resources there, including:
Other Forms & Publications can be found on: https://www.irs.gov/Forms-&-Pubs. The library has limited copies of 1040 forms, 1040 instruction booklets, and 1040EZ forms available for our patrons. You can order forms to be delivered by U.S. mail by going to: https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/order-products, or call 1-800-829-3676.
Massachusetts State Tax Forms
For state income tax, you can find forms, resources, and pertinent advice on the state government website: https://www.mass.gov/personal-income-tax. Useful links on the page include:
- 2020 MA personal income tax forms and instructions.
- COVID-19 Response from DOR.
- File your personal income tax.
- Check the status of your tax refund.
- Pay your personal income tax. (The link will take you to MassTaxConnect.)
The library has a limited number of MA Form 1 booklets. You can find Form 1 as well as other personal income tax forms and instructions online at: https://www.mass.gov/lists/2020-massachusetts-personal-income-tax-forms-and-instructions, or request for it by calling 1-800-392-6089.
Boxborough Town Hall
For information related to Boxborough, including town meeting agendas and minutes, contact information to departments and boards, and online payment portals, go to the town’s website at: http://www.boxborough-ma.gov/.